Confused by DevOps, IT, or maybe toolsets like Docker and Kubernetes? I mean what the freak is a 'Kubernetes', right?
Come with me on an adventure to get containerized and virtualized.
DevOps (Development Operations)
- ☑ Originally DevOps fell under the umbrella of more generalized IT services.
- ☑ Coding: code development and management.
- ☑ Building: CI (Continuous Integration tooling).
- ☑ Testing: continuous feedback.
- ☑ Packaging: staging apps for deployment.
- ☑ Releasing: version control and release automation.
- ☑ Configuring: infrastructure and tooling.
- ☑ Monitoring: performance monitor and user feedback.
▼ Methodologies (management styles):
- ☑ Waterflow (linear development)
- ☑ Agile and Scrum (non-linear development).
- ☑ For more details see: Agile vs Scrum vs Lean.
▼ Containers vs Virtual Machines (VMs):
- ☑ Image: cloned software (like a container with all software configured).
- ☑ Sandboxing: isolated data access.
- ☑ Container: a virtual environment for software testing.
- ☑ Docker Container: an optimized VM (virtual machine) that reduces container bloat at the cost of roughly 97% performance speed.
- ☑ Full Virtual Machine: better sandboxing and tools at the cost of more resources per image.
▼ Container portability:
- ☑ Because they are stripped down, containers have a small file size and can be used with various plug-ins depending on the individual's needs.
Docker vs Kubernetes:
▼ Redirecting ports:
- ☑ docker run -p 49160:8080 -d <yourdockerusername> or <yourdockerimage_name>
- ◆ 49160:8080 specifically redirects port 8080 from the container to the host's 49160
▼ Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm:
- ☑ Both are known as Container Orchestration Platforms.
- ◆ Deploy across multiple containers.
- ☑ Kubernetes provides a UI and advanced features for Docker.
▼ Kubernetes cluster replicas:
- ☑ Scale and change the number with kubectl scale (fastest).
Cloud (storage), Heroku, & AWS
▼ Horizontal vs Vertical (scaling):
- ☑ Scaling Horizontally: increase server load, often by distribution (more servers and partitioned server nodes or dynos).
- ☑ Scaling Vertically: increase disk space within the server or dyno.
▼ Free vs Paid:
- ☑ Different dyno types.
- ☑ The quality and quantity of resources the dynos use (paid = more and better):
- ☑ Pro features:
- ◆ Horizontal scalability: more servers processing your data.
- ◆ App metrics.
- ◆ Pre-boots.
- ◆ Auto-scaling.
- ◆ Always-awake: free dynos sleep for 30 min due to inactivity.