. : MMO UX : .

Brand / IP

Amazon, New World


Vanilla JavaScript & CSS3 (v1+), React & GraphQL (v0), 10-bit AVIF (v2+), Lighthouse (testing)


1 Month

Live Demo (v2)

Insanely fast AAA Game-like interface using Vanilla JS without canvas or WebGL (alt versions use React & GraphQL). Supports 15+ devices (mobile & desktop). Amazon's New World has 50,000 Daily Active Users (peaking @ 913,000).

NOTE: errors or slow (clear your data)? Click here for fullscreen ↗


No black screens for those who have Canvas disabled (plus, when I interviewed @ Google they specifically said they wanted to see more VanillaJS samples).

For other WebGL & Canvas Demos...

2D Engine ↗

3D Engine ↗

See settings, benchmarks, & compatibility.

Deep dive Design & Dev History ↗

Dash Settings

Refresh resets to default

Pause Toggle background scrolling animation.
UI Dash Height Adjust console dash height.
UI Dash Opacity Adjust console dash opacity.
FPS (Frames Per Second) Adjust master FPS of scrolling animation.
Draw FPS Toggle FPS display @ top right corner.
Cap FPS Toggle another FPS cap for smoothness.
Request FPS Toggle 60 FPS browser cap.
Edge FX Toggle Card edge FX.
Fancy Edge Toggle Card edge (also disables edge FX).
Trace FX Toggle Card masking frame trace FX.
Flash FX Toggle Card image flash FX.

Performance Tips:

  • ☑⁡⁡ Pause is the best way to improve performance.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Turning off Card Edge FX is 2nd best.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Turning off Card Trace FX (& even Flash FX) will also further improve things.
  • ☑⁡⁡ FPS calculation is optimized for speed over accuracy (may add accurate FPS setting later).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Cap FPS & Request FPS can increase smoothness, mess up stuff, or seem to do nothing (depends on browser & hardware).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Pausing & resizing the window (like minimize, then maximize) can help glitchiness & performance.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Draw FPS can slow down performance (depends on browser & hardware).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Lowering the FPS to 20, 15, or 10 can often deliver an interesting background animation without stressing resources.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Pausing the window & tab when not in use helps prevent crashes & resource use (although browsers often auto pause).



Chrome (Brave, Vivaldi, Edge) Yes AVIF Best
Safari (iOS & desktop) Yes WebP Sluggish (see Performance Tips).
Palemoon (Firefox for old tech) Yes WebP Slow (see Performance Tips).
TOR Browser (slightly old Firefox for privacy) Yes WebP* Sluggish (see Performance Tips).
Firefox No AVIF Functional & no errors (bug stops at array value 14 vs 20+).
Konqueror Yes WebP

*AVIF can be enabled with advanced options.

NOTE: The app will attempt to use AVIF, then WebP, & then fall back to png & jpg.

Lighthouse Bench v2:

Lighthouse benchmarks of v2 of the New World MMO UX demo.
First Cotentful Paint (FCP) 0.300 s (0 - 3.800 s is fast). Time to load & render any element on the page.
Time to Interactive (TTI) 0.300 s (0 - 3.400 s is fast). Time to load 'useful content' (like buttons) & register most UI event handlers.
Speed Index (SI) 0.500 s (0 - 1.800 s is fast). Time to display content using video frame capture (like with transition animations).
Total Blocking Time (TBT) 0.000 s (0 - 0.200 s is fast). Time threaded tasks are blocked (like by image & font loading or 3rd party code).
Largest Cotentful Paint (LCP) 0.500 s (0 - 2.500 s is fast). Time to render largest or main content.
Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS) 0.002 s (0 - 0.100 s is fast). Time visible UI elements (like a button or text) move, creating an unpredictable layout.


  • ☑⁡⁡ Page speed results are often 10+ times faster than the 'fast' rating.
  • ☑⁡⁡ First Contentful Paint (FCP) rating is 99% faster than most sites @ 1.200 s (this page is 4 times faster than that @ 0.300 s).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Total Blocking Time (TBT) @ 0 s despite loading 23 images, 2 fonts, 15+ device support, & a variety of custom animations.

NOTE: Lighthouse benchmark results are effected by the speed & quality of the server & your internet connection. I used a Verizon 4G hotspot for this, a typical cabled connection could deliver better results.


3D Game screenshot: Mario overlooking an optimized & camera culled city.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Experimental random foliage & wild grass (refresh to respawn).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Quality drop-down settings (Low, Medium, High, Ultra, Max).
  • ☑⁡⁡ Canvas / WebGL Support.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Store settings in local storage.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Store data as JSON for databses like SQL lite (local) or posgreSQL.
  • ☑⁡ ⁡Card edit mode.
  • ☑⁡ ⁡Route other CSS3 & gif-like animation through FPS controllable JavaScript.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Film-like credits scroll mode.
  • ☑⁡⁡ Animate standing avatars.
  • ☑⁡⁡ General code clean-up.